I don’t have much knitting time lately, the Llama wants to eat all the time, and I can’t knit one handed (yet...)
The handspun BSJ is almost finished though, and I've started another knitting project, but that will have to wait for another day, today it's all about sewing.
the Llama LOVES to be held, but my arms get tired too easily, so I began looking into babywearing, and found this wonderful site called The Babywearer with tons of resources.
I researched lots of different types of baby carriers, first I tried him in a stretchy wrap (like a Moby) that I made from jersey knit cotton. But he didn't like it all that much, so I kept looking. Then I discovered Mei Tais when a friend lent me hers to try. the Llama loved it! So I set out to find a pattern to make my own.
I found several tutorials online, some that I liked better than others, I ended up combining elements from this one with interchangeable panels and this one with wide unpadded shoulder straps
I grabbed some heavyweight denim from my stash, sent the Llama Papa out for some pretty fat quarters and went from this:
To this:
(excuse the bad hair, pjs, and slightly dazed look on my face, I don't get much sleep anymore.)
(no in-between pictures, I meant to take a series to show how I did it, but I ended up only having short little bits of time to work, and I wanted to get it done! Anyways, the two links sites do a pretty good job.)
it has interchangeable panels, so I can switch out the printed fabric in front for lots of different looks and the Llama loves it, if he's cranky I can put him in and he'll calm down and eventually fall right to sleep! I may even be able to take him for some walks soon! (as soon as I finish my other knitting project...)
A few more pictures, because he's just so cute and I can't help myself